1.International vision

parent exhibition of LASER World of PHOTONICS in Munich, Germany. It has extensive international influence and rich exhibition experience, radiating across the Asia-Pacific region.


2.Deep accumulation and trustworthiness

With 20 years of experience in the industry, we possess a rich accumulation of users and a deep understanding of market demand and industry development trends to build strong competitive advantages.


3.Display of complete product chain

Gather well-known enterprises from China and abroad to build a one-stop procurement platform from components to system integration.


4,Expand the market to win new customers

More than 50% of new visitors come to visit every year, which is an excellent opportunity to expand new markets and win new customers.


5,Precise reach to professional buyers

With massive professional data, combined with multi-platform, multi-dimensional media promotion, and communication strategies, we provide customized business matchmaking services, establishing highquality business connections with global buyers.


6,Enhance brand influence

Fully display companies' strength and technical capabilities, and enhance the industry’s image in the Asia-Pacific regionand even the world.

Messe München GmbH


81823 München

Tel: +49 89 949-20720
Fax: +49 89 949-20729

MMI (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

11th floor, GC Tower, 1088 Yuanshen Rd


Tel: +86 21 2020 5500
Fax: +86 21 2020 5688